Thursday, January 3, 2013

Symbolic votes, the GOP, and derp

We keep hearing the myopic mantra from the right that says, "we don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem." Depending on the speaker, they may also work in something hypocritical about deficits, as though they had no hand in creating our current fiscal situation.

Here's an idea for the GOP, since they love signing absolute pledges and are SO fiscally conservative it almost brings a tear to your eye: rather than wasting time with symbolic votes on bills that would never be signed--such as Michelle Bachmann's Obamacare repeal failboat--just sign a pledge listing all your pet issues so you can get on with worthwhile legislation.

Sure sure, my dear readers will point to the Republican party platform and be all like, "but we already KNOW what they'd sign and what they wouldn't."

Indeed, indeed.

Seriously... At what point will the GOP get some clue from their approval ratings? They obviously don't give two shits about the significance of the recent election.

Le sigh.

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